Hyalite 12/1

Submitted by rockgumby on Thu, 12/01/2005 - 22:42
Went up to road today, which was in pretty good shape, need 4X4 saw a subaru forrester in the parking lot so that will tell you what can get up. The more travel the better. As far as ice, cyler ran up the good looking one which was in pretty good shape. The thrill is not in ideal condtions and neither is magically delicious. We then went to the mummy cooler area, the scepter is touching down but in weird shape, big overhanging mushrooms. We then did the matrix which is stillin fat. Looking across the cannyon, cleo's looks good, and kannas cornfield appeared to be coming in well. The whole genisess area is fat. Well thats about it hope this will spark some travel up the road. Bryan Schmitz ps sorry about the spelling errors