Bulldog World With Video

Submitted by rockgumby on Sun, 01/28/2007 - 17:08
Pete I would like to thank you for putting up such a sweet route. Here is Peter Thompson styling the transfer from rock to ice. [img]http://montanaice.com/forums/user_images/transfer.jpg[/img] Me finishing it to the top. [img]http://montanaice.com/forums/user_images/CIMG0410.JPG[/img] Here is a You Tube video of me moving from the rock to the ice. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aG0G6S1NDS0[/url]

[quote]Did you find the biner I left up there? Can I have it back?[/quote] If I would have known it was your I would have grabbed it and added it to the collection. :lol: However, I decided to leave it there because I figured it was used for TR'in or something and plenty of other people have climbed it and not taken it so I figured I would not either.